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Cardinia Shire Council
Working closely with Kelp Creative, we developed the Interpretation Plan for Deep Creek Reserve for Cardinia Shire Council. This plan provides a site-wide interpretive approach the Reserve. Following extensive stakeholder consultation, including three Traditional Owner Groups, the plan uses an over arching theme, sub-themes and stories to unite the diverse site. It features a wayfinding concept to improve visitor flow and a diverse suite of interpretive approaches including sound, sculpture, signage and play.

Wetland Wonders is the first project from the plan that has been implemented and is an interpretation trail that includes three boardwalks linking to a central viewing platform in the wetlands.

Visitors first encounter larger than life timber frog sculptures created by Glenn Romanis. They discover and learn about different frogs species found at the site through an interactive audio sign.

Further along the boardwalk, visitors discover stories about water invertebrates and migratory water birds. Delivered through interactive spinning ‘pebbles’ – visitors match the pebbles through colour and content to learn about these remarkable creatures and how they indicate a healthy habitat.